Wednesday, July 31, 2013

British Art Gallery

 Today's trip was British Art Gallery.

It was bigger museum than I expected and contains many pictures or sculptures made from 1700s to 1960s.

Three of my favorite pictures are these ones.
They are all drawn by the same painter, Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797).

The most attractive point for me is their light.
 In this picture, you can see the dim light in the middle.
I think this makes the impression of this picture bright although it is almost dark.
 Next, I also like these two pictures as a pair.
Although they are the different places, they seem to be the same.

I think that this is also because of
the light effect.

According to Julia, my blogging teacher, these three pictures use same skill, which is to express the light without drawing the source.
Therefore, I felt that they are very soft and warm in spite of the harsh situation in them.

Moreover, these two pictures are my favorite ones as well.

These look, on the contrary, dark.
However, I was punched by them.

Since I am not familiar with British history, I do not know where it is or what the painter wanted to express, but still, I could find that this picture has much power.

I want to go there again after learning British history.

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