Monday, July 22, 2013


I went to Philadelphia, where I lived in my childhood, last weekend.
Although I have been there before, it was fulfilled with new things for me.

First, the train which I rode to get to Philadelphia was new.
I was so surprised because I could see many trains were delayed more than one hour.
If this kind of situation happened in Japan, many Japanese would be upset and it could be a big news.

Fortunately, the train I planned to get was not so delayed as others, so I could ride on it comfortably.

When I got there, the family I stayed with for this weekend welcomed me!!

They made one of traditional Japanese foods, Soba, for me.

I was very glad at eating it, for I missed it so much.
Through last weekend, I ate a lot of Japanese foods, which was great for me, for I do not have to miss them any more.

Next day, we visited the center of Philadelphia to see some historic places.
Since Pennsylvania is famous for the first thirteen states in the United States, it was worth visiting there.

Also, I could see many wagons led by horses.

It was interesting but, at the same time, trouble in that there was a little traffic jam because of these horses.

Also, I found the word "ICU" in the market.

This visit was the first time in this thirteen years.
Although I did not remember many things there, it was fun and meaningful trip for me!


  1. It was wonderful to have an opportunity to spend time with you and show you a "slice" of historical Philadelphia! There is so much more to see and additional "Philadelphia" foods to taste so you must come back to visit again soon!

    Enjoy your trips and remaining time at Yale. Let's stay in touch!


    Kathy and Rob

    1. Kathy and Rob

      Thank you for commenting on this blog!
      I was really happy to meet you.
      When I visit you next time, I will stay longer to learn more about Philadelphia!

      Finally, thank you for having taken care of me!

