Wednesday, July 31, 2013

British Art Gallery

 Today's trip was British Art Gallery.

It was bigger museum than I expected and contains many pictures or sculptures made from 1700s to 1960s.

Three of my favorite pictures are these ones.
They are all drawn by the same painter, Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797).

The most attractive point for me is their light.
 In this picture, you can see the dim light in the middle.
I think this makes the impression of this picture bright although it is almost dark.
 Next, I also like these two pictures as a pair.
Although they are the different places, they seem to be the same.

I think that this is also because of
the light effect.

According to Julia, my blogging teacher, these three pictures use same skill, which is to express the light without drawing the source.
Therefore, I felt that they are very soft and warm in spite of the harsh situation in them.

Moreover, these two pictures are my favorite ones as well.

These look, on the contrary, dark.
However, I was punched by them.

Since I am not familiar with British history, I do not know where it is or what the painter wanted to express, but still, I could find that this picture has much power.

I want to go there again after learning British history.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Niagara Falls

Last week, many of my friends here said I am crazy because I planned to go to Toronto from here, New Haven with my friends to see the Niagara Falls.
We took a shuttle bus as soon as the class ended and boarded on the airplane from New York.

Toronto was a more modern city than I expected.
However, as we got into the downtown, it looks some kind of European city.

Next day, we saw the Niagara Falls.
Amazing, awesome, huge, great, fascinating,,,
I cannot find an appropriate word to describe the Niagara Falls.
I was so moved by the greatness of the nature.

I could not see the edge of it.
Moreover, we could see from the side of this Canadian fall.
It was more than tens of meters, we caught water and felt pressure or wind from this fall.

How tiny people are!
Left side of this picture looks white because of the mist from the fall.

Also, I found the Maple, which is the symbolic tree of Canada.

Although we made reservation on 7:00 airplane and did not have enough time, we enjoyed Toronto very much.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New Haven Museum

Today, I have been to the forth museum since I came to the United States, which is New Haven Museum.
It mainly exhibit the historical artifacts related to New Haven, so I could learn about the New Haven history.

New Haven is famous for bicycle, for there was some bicycle shop in New Haven.
I was very surprised at how different the original one is from current one.
I could hardly believe, but it is really used in the past.

The wheel was made of wood.
I am wondering how people rode on a bicycle...
Moreover, in New Haven, we can see many cherry blossoms.
As I wrote in the previous post, I was glad at seeing the relationship between Japan and the United States.

 I want to see these cherry blossoms in the spring.

Monday, July 22, 2013


I went to Philadelphia, where I lived in my childhood, last weekend.
Although I have been there before, it was fulfilled with new things for me.

First, the train which I rode to get to Philadelphia was new.
I was so surprised because I could see many trains were delayed more than one hour.
If this kind of situation happened in Japan, many Japanese would be upset and it could be a big news.

Fortunately, the train I planned to get was not so delayed as others, so I could ride on it comfortably.

When I got there, the family I stayed with for this weekend welcomed me!!

They made one of traditional Japanese foods, Soba, for me.

I was very glad at eating it, for I missed it so much.
Through last weekend, I ate a lot of Japanese foods, which was great for me, for I do not have to miss them any more.

Next day, we visited the center of Philadelphia to see some historic places.
Since Pennsylvania is famous for the first thirteen states in the United States, it was worth visiting there.

Also, I could see many wagons led by horses.

It was interesting but, at the same time, trouble in that there was a little traffic jam because of these horses.

Also, I found the word "ICU" in the market.

This visit was the first time in this thirteen years.
Although I did not remember many things there, it was fun and meaningful trip for me!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pepe's Pizza

In New Haven, there are two big pizza restaurants, Pepe's and Sally's.
Whomever I asked to about pizza in New Haven, all of them reply that it is very controversial.
People in New Haven are divided to two groups according to which pizza to support.

Today, I ate Pepe's one.
First, the way to go to Pepe's was great.

Along this street, many cherry blossoms were planted.
Since these trees were transplanted, they may indicate the relationship between Japan and the United States.

Moreover, there was a statue of Columbus in the park which we passed through.

Columbus is historic and important person in American history.
It is because Pepe's (and Sally's) is located in such a historical place as New Haven, which makes us feel sanctity that the controversial about pizza is so heated up.

Pepe's is in Wooster Square,  Italian-American town in New Haven.
You can see both Italian and American flags in this picture.

Although it was weekday afternoon (around 1:30) and so hot, people had already been lined up and waited for eating pizza outside the restaurant when we arrived at Pepe's.

 Inside the restaurant, I felt that I was in the oven because the wall is made of bricks.

This pizza is original in New Haven.
Therefore, it different from Italian one or even other cities' one such as Texas.
It is famous for its thin crust.
Even though these pizza is a little fat for me, they were delicious.

I want to recommend those who come to New Haven to go to Pepe's.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Yankee Stadium

Last weekend, I went to Yankee Stadium.

That was my first time to go to the stadium to watch the game of the major league and I was so excited.
In fact, I do not know many teams or players in Major league.
However, even so, I was very looking forward to seeing the game because I can see Ichiro, who is one of the most famous and popular athletes in Japan and belongs to New York Yankees now.

To be honest, I cannot say that the game was good or interesting, for players in Yankees made errors and disappointed the fan.

Nevertheless, as for me, it was worth seeing the game in that the game was 2000th games in Major league for Ichiro, and what is more, Ichiro himself hit 6th Homerun in this season!

I really want to go there again.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Yale Art Gallery

Today, I went to Yale art gallery.
It has many kinds of arts such as modern art or ancient world's art.

One of the most impressive modern arts was this picture.

It draws normal wallets on the left side and dirty wallets on the right side.
As you move your eyes from left to right, the time passes.
I think that it casts a question to the current environmental situation.
Also, its background contributes to its sorrow atmosphere.

Moreover, there are Japanese arts.

One of them were made by Morihiro Hosokawa, one of the past Japanese prime ministers.
As well as New York, I could see many Japanese cultures in here.
It is very surprising that these kinds of Japanese arts are appreciated by many people across the sea and over the time.

Monday, July 8, 2013

One Day Trip To New York

First, I went to the Metropolitan Museum.
What was surprising for me was there were many artists who drew pictures of exhibitions.
On the contrary, in Japan, most people only pass through the exhibition.
This is a work made in Africa.
It is very beautiful and I thought that it is made of gold or something special.
However, it was wrong.
It is made of the taps of bins, which are usually regarded as garbage.
I believe that the value of this art lies in making us think of the importance of things and the seriousness of the poverty.
Moreover, I was very glad at that Japanese Character is used in New York, the center of the world.
For me, as a Japanese, it looks strange to use Kanji, Chinese Character and Hiragana, Japanese Character as some kinds of advertisements.
Nevertheless, it still exicited me because I could know Japan is loved by all over the world.